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Home of Norwin Little League

Pony Rules

All games shall be covered by the most recent Official Pony League Rule Book with the following exceptions:

  • There will be free substitutions for all players.
  • There will be a continuous batting order(all players at the game shall bat).
  • All players must play a minimum of 3 innings in the field.
  • A team must start with a minimum of 9 players, preferably all from the roster submitted to the league President. A team cannot finish with 8 players. A player cannot be on more than one team roster in the league.
  • If a team cannot field a minimum of 9 players from the submitted roster, in order to avoid a forfeit, younger players must be "called-up" from within the organization(i.e the younger player must be on a team roster within the organization) to fulfill the minimum. If a younger player is called-up and placed into the lineup, and a player on the roster then shows up, the younger player does not have to play the field. However, the younger player will continue to bat in his assigned spot in the batting order. To minimize the risk of having to forfeit any games, it is strongly recommended that each organization develop a list of call-up players from their younger divisions. These younger players can be called to fill anticipated openings in advance of a game, when it is known that the team will be short of rostered players.
  • If a player becomes injured, the player is not an out in any subsequent at-bats. If a player is ejected, the player is an out in all subsequent at-bats. If a player has to leave before the game is complete, the manager must tell the opposing manager, and the player is not an out in subsequent at bats. If the player's departure is not communicated to the other team in a timely manner, the player is an out in his next at-bat. if a manager purposefully tells his weaker hitters to leave, he will be suspended for the season.
  • If a player or manager/coach is ejected, he shall incur a one game suspension and shall not be allowed to play or be at the field for the next game. Fighting will result in a three game suspension. In the event that any of these two situations occur, the opposing coach shall call the league Vice President and provide the name(s) of the player(s) and coach(es). The Vice President will inform the umpire coordinator(Mitch Adams) and the manager of the opposing team or teams for the next game or games. The use of suspended players or coaches in any game will result in a forfeit for that team.
  • Balks will not be called until Monday May 19th. Before May 19th if the umpire determines a pitcher balked, and a runner is thrown out, the runner will be allowed to return to the previous base without an out being recorded. if the runner is safe, he will be allowed to stay at the base.
  • There is a 10-run rule after 4 1/2 innings. If the home team is winning, it does not have to bat. A completed game is 4 1/2 innings and within the field time limit rules. (Please refer to specific field time limits).
  • If a game is called for any reason before it is complete, it shall be considered a suspended game, and shall be resumed from the point of curtailment at the time scheduled by the league officials. The game must be at least one full inning.
  • All protests must be brought to the attention of the Pony League board within 24 hours of the completion of the disputed game or the protest will be ruled invalid.
  • All ground rules will be discussed among managers and umpires before the start of each game.
  • Head first sliding is allowed EVERYWHERE, but Please Discourage This Action.
  • A runner CANNOT jump over a fielder unless the fielder is laying on the ground.
  • Metal spikes are permitted(optional) on a trial basis this year.


  • A pitcher may pitch a maximum of 3 innings in one game through May 26th. Pitchers are allowed a 4 inning maximum on May 27th.
  • One pit in an inning counts as one inning pitched.
  • Once removed from the mound, a pitcher cannot pitch in that game.
  • There are no rest periods.


  • Teams are credited with 3 points for each win, 2 points for each tie, 1 point for each loss, and 0 points for each forfeit or game not played. Both teams are responsible for reporting the game results, including an accurate score, to the league President at the end of each week via e-mail or phone call to the following:
  • Ray Coleman
  • [email protected]
  • 724-864-5316 (H)
  • 412-760-2493 (C)
  • For playoff seeding, ties will be broken, in order, by head-to-head results, total head-to-head runs allowed among the teams involved in a multiple tie, and a coin toss.


  • The HOME TEAM is responsible for getting the field ready to play; dragging, lining, placing the bases, supplying one new baseball and paying for umpires. Visiting managers are asked to please help when feasible especially for intra-organization games.
  • Home team has field until 15 minutes before game time.
  • EACH TEAM WILL PROVIDE ONE NEW BASEBALL FOR EACH GAME. The home will will provide additional baseballs if needed.


  • All Games have a 2 hour time limit from the starting time(unless no game is scheduled behind you).
  • An inning cannot be started with less than 15 minutes until the end of the time limit (unless on game is scheduled behind you).
  • All games can be played to a maximum of 9 innings.
  • If your PAL game is cancelled, the HOME team manager must call MITCH ADAMS (412-759-5100) 1 and 1/2 hours before game time


  • If your NCAA game is cancelled, the HOME team manager must call MITCH ADAMS (412-759-5100) 1 and 1/2 hours before game time
  • Play until umpires rule end of game due to darkness - revert back to last completed inning.
  • All games can be played to a maximum of 9 innings.
  • All games have a 2 1/2 hour time limit from the starting time, unless no games is scheduled behind you.


  • If your MURRYSVILLE game is cancelled, the HOME team manager must call MITCH ADAMS (412-759-5100) 1 and 1/2 hours before game time
  • Play until umpires rule end of game due to darkness - revert back to last completed inning.
  • All games can be played to a maximum of 9 innings.
  • All Week Day Games have a 2 and 1/2 hour time limit from the starting time.
  • All Week End Games have a 2 hour time limit from the starting time, unless no game is scheduled behind you


  • There will be no awards for regular season play.
  • Teams will be seeded based on their regular season records, and a single elimination post-season tournament will be conducted.
  • Lower seeds will be the Home Team(i.e. in a 1 vs. 4 match-up, 1 is the Home Team)
  • Awards will be presented to the top four teams based solely on post-season tournament play.


  • The bracket set-up will be established upon completion of the regular season.
  • Awards for the top four teams will consist of one of the following: hooded sweatshirts, long sleeve T-shirts or regular T-shirts.

Contact Us

Norwin Community Athletic Association

PO Box 176 
Irwin, Pennsylvania 15642

Email Us: [email protected]
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